As many of you who read my blog may know, I usually watch only those things which do NOT have commercials. On Demand and the movie channels are my friends.
Then there's Project Runway. PR isn't really my fault, you see, my friends from grad school started a tradition a year ago, for season three. Every Wednesday we would gather at the house of one of the gang and eat junk food, drink too much for a weeknight and watch Project Runway. The silliness of this (in terms of having a Thursday morning life...) was compounded by the fact that PR comes on at 10PM on the East Coast. So....we would all be getting to bed after drinking and eating too much at about midnight on an either school or work night, depending.
Needless to say these nights were grand fun, and though they didn't continue this year my addiction to the show continues. I think it has a great deal to do with the fact that they actually DO stuff. Granted, the soap opera factor is kind of fascinating, but the reason I really watch is to see what kookie assignments they get and watch how they all deal with it. I know personally I would not have been up to the challenges they are presented! Also - I love the end products. Even the terrible ones are fun to see, just to see how terrible it CAN be.
Although I still think Christian is a little twat and Jack should have gotten the fan favorite (all season I was hoping they would bring him back. I LOVE Jack!) Unfortunately I also must admit that Christian is a
talented little twat, and does really deserve to be in the final with Jillian. Sigh.
And, in a rather related statement - I COVET Anne Boleyn and Catharine of Aragon's entire wardrobes from
The Tudors.
COVET. And cannot afford.
But I do have to make, yet again, my standard complaint about one very common mistake in such period shows - one which I don't think they made in the movie The Other Boleyn Girl, but I digress - the HAIR. I don't care how much of a grasping power-hungry little wench Anne was or is portrayed to be,
at court the chick would have ALWAYS worn her hair up. None of this part-up Part-down BS either. It most likely would have been totally covered, not even just up in a 'do. Sigh. Yes, having her long flowing locks down shows how GORGEOUS she is and how EASY it was for Henry to get hooked, but come ON. Sheesh. Look at a painting or two. Really.
The paintings of ANNE, even. There is even
a DOLL that's more accurate. Scroll down and you'll see the tidbit about the headpiece on the doll.
Ahem...and now back to our regularly scheduled insanity. Personality #1529 has been locked up and put in a straight jacket. That should keep her occupied for a while.