Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Hee Hee!

The fiance and I went to FINALLY do our registries, after spending the night at my friend's aunt's house on Saturday out of depression over the Gtown loss....and some Shiraz...and some games of pool, and some poker (which I lost badly, reference Shiraz above)...yeah. We had lots of fun after we got over the loss, though, which is a plus :D

Anyway, back to the subject. We did two registries, which took most of the day. While we were scanning china patterns at Bed Bath & Beyond, we noticed a box on one of the discount shelves: a mini winemaking kit, just big enough to make four bottles of Merlot. Weeeell....since we live in an apartment, we haven't really ever done the making of wine thing before (for the uninitiated, it kinda takes up space), but this was a tiny kit, and it was on SALE...so now we have grape juice happily fermenting on the kitchen counter.

As a second experiment, I also took organic grape, black cherry and blueberry juices and mixed them and added some of the yeast to that as well. I actually think that one is going to turn out to be tastier, but we shall see.

One of these days we'll have a backyard...or, rather, we'll have a vineyard where there was once a backyard :D

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