Okay, well, I could've gone to it, but it would've been wildly inappropriate age-wise. . . Which is what I meant by not around. Not around as in "shouldn't go to violent R rated movies." And it's possible I went, but my young, fragile mind repressed it all in horror. That would explain a lot, really. . .
Though we lost the leaves to crown rot on this orchid, the roots were healthy enough that it is sprouting anew. Will keep updates coming! I didn't know it was possible for a phal to keiki from only roots!
Smells like. . . victory?
(It's pointless allusion day in my world.)
Teen spirit actually-oh, I just dated myself!
That's okay. So have I. . .(no, I wasn't really around during the original theatrical release of Apocalypse Now. . .)
Eek-I actually was. Barely :D You must be a young 'un!
Okay, well, I could've gone to it, but it would've been wildly inappropriate age-wise. . . Which is what I meant by not around. Not around as in "shouldn't go to violent R rated movies." And it's possible I went, but my young, fragile mind repressed it all in horror. That would explain a lot, really. . .
Tee hee...okay. I saw it much later in life and it still made me a little horrified.
JarHead, too.
(Not to be too light while sucky stuff is happening but. . .)
Didn't see Jarhead. I was, however, very horrified by Jar-Jar. Still give me nightmares.
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