Thursday, May 3, 2007

Tuesday Night BBQ

This Tuesday our department had the first of its end-of-year events. Unfortunately these are always on weeknights. This event is the annual end-of-year barbeque. Last year it was held at Old Glory, but since the Alumni House at 35th and O St. is finally reopened they decided to hold it in the new courtyard. I must admit-they did a good job with that place. It had been condemned in my sophomore year of college and sat there for several years before it was gutted and rebuilt.

In any case, they had the event catered and hired a bartender. This guy was crazy-he kept mixing up this rum punch that took the whole 'punch' idea a little too literally (as in 'punch in the jaw'), but you couldn't tell when you were drinking it. Over the course of the five hours we spent at the Alumni House I consumed three glasses of this and ate a fair amount of BBQ. We went to someone's house to continue the party-and I zonked out on the sofa within half an hour. Super Thin Man, deciding to take advantage of the situation, let me sleep for two more hours before he took me home. I think the stuff must have been about 50% rum. I had work the next day. Let's put it this way: although I had theoretically not imbibed a huge number of drinks, I was still rather less productive than usual yesterday morning at work.

The thing that I'm wondering is how other people did the next day. There were several people drinking that stuff like water.

Gaw. Note to self: if you meet a bartender who is making his own mixture of rum punch, and if he spends a significant amount of his time in Jamaica, and if you have work the next day, be warned.

And now I've said way too much.


Grendel said...

Only 50%? Sheesh, cheap bar tender. :)

Really, it's so easy. Pour liquor until ice is covered, then fill up with mixer. Go with a rum and tonic, then you can claim you're treating malaria.

Oh, and don't fill the glass all the way with ice, or this recipe can lead to disaster. . .

alternately, don't forget that you haven't put mixer in a glass of good, authentic vodka and then top it off with yet more vodka on the mistaken belief you must've added the mixer first.

Not that I'd know about that. . . *cough*

Vika said...

That sounds like the voice of experience talking, grendel.....

Not that I know exactly what you mean.....

Grendel said...

Well so much for posting the funny cat picture. . . It was really, really funny though. . .

Grendel said...

My attempt at posting the funny cat picture, but the required html won't go through.

It was really very funny. :)

(okay, maybe moderately amusing at best.)

Grendel said...

Well, it's not a cat, and probably not the acutal image, but let's see if this at least works. . .

Vika said...

Oh, geez-I just got a chance to follow that link...ouch!

We usually just claimed that it miraculously improved our Russian.