Wednesday, May 9, 2007

In which....

I think it's finished. But it's 4:32 am EST, and I may be hallucinating.

There's still two papers to go: Why Everybody Hated Poland in the 17th Cantury, and How Jewish Family Life Changed in the 19th Century. These aren't really related in any way....though if you went all Six Degrees on them they could be.

But the How Wine Culture In Russia is even More Backward Now than it Was in the 17th Century and Gee Isn't it Interesting How the Russian Oligarchs get Treated Just Like the Nobles Used To paper is finished. I think. I'm still somewhat doubtful.

Make that 4:35 am EST


Grendel said...

Ah, I remember writing papers. Mostly I remember not doing them until several days after they were supposed to be done. . .

I was not a particuarly good student. . .

Vika said...

I actually got this one finished one day before it was due (it has to be in today by 5pm, so usually I would be typing the last of it right now, but it's already sealed and I'm bringing over during lunch) and one of the others is way overdue, but the third i just got an extension on, so that's technically not late, since I had permission. Aparently getting 2 hours of sleep gives me typewriter blabbermouth, so I'm going to go do some work now.

Grendel said...

Oh, by the way, why did everyone hate Poland in the 17th century? Because lightbulbs hadn't been invented, so they couldn't tell Polish jokes? (5. One to hold the light bulb, 4 to turn the ladder.)

Vika said...

LOL :D Hey-don't knock 'em too badly, the Poles got stuck with a country that has no natural borders except to the south and Russia to the East and Germany to the West and Sweden to the North. Because THOSE three have ALWAYS gotten along ;D

Naw, my theory actually runs closer to the same reason why Americans have a patriotic duty to hate any country whose government isn't a carbon copy of ours. Poland had something like a Roman-style democracy back then, when the fashionable thing to do was to have an absolute monarch. SUCH a faux pas.

Grendel said...

I just remember my European history class, which had this great map in the corner showing all the countries' borders at different periods, put together like a flip chart.
Poland. Poland. Poland. No Poland, Prussia and Russia bigger. . . Poland. . .

But you should be working instead of reading blogs. . .wait so should I. damn.

Vika said...

Apparently I get snarkier when I'm sort of in a daze. I have a training/meeting soon, so I'm not getting into any new work until I go and do that first.

Vika said...

But yes. The period I'm talking about is before Prussia and Russia go carving up Poland like it's Turkey. (sorry. it just slipped out)

Grendel said...

Well if history (and geography) backed up a bit better. . . Why did Eastern Europe invade Turkey? Because (wait for it) they were Hungary.


Vika said...

~cheap drum roll~