Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Just for the record, when I finish this damn paper, I'm going to find a way to post it on this website--all 35 damn pages of it--so all of you can see why I've suddenly turned into something approaching a cross between Bridezilla and the most passive-aggressive person you've ever met. It's not you, it's not wedding planning, I don't have cold feet, and I am actually really unhappy to have to keep telling you all to leave me alone at such a crucial period in the planning process.

I'm Sorry.

But it's not going to get a great deal better until this weekend.


Grendel said...

Poor you.

(no really, not being sarcastic, for this very brief period. :) )

Perhaps the immortal of words of Hunter S. Thompson can be a source of comfort. . .

"Don't take any guff from these swine."
or perhaps, "Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ape?"

Vika said...

LOL-thank you :D