Monday, December 3, 2007

Things to be thankful for....

That my sister, who is considerably classier than certain individuals, did not proclaim her impending motherhood to the world in, say, THIS fashion.

Thank you. From all of us. I mean thanks to my sister, not the other one. That one needs to start looking in mirrors and checking proofs before signing on the dotted line that allows pictures to be published.

Warning - slightly NSFW. May require a bit of mental floss. Extreme cases may be treated using brain bleach, extra concentrated.


Grendel said...

Oh, I don't know that's not so bad. The nudity is less distubing than the garish make up. And what a tasteful clavicle.

College Glassblower said...


Witty said...

Clavicle. Tee hee. That word will always make me laugh now...