Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Crafty with a "C" things...

So, as some of you may be aware, friends of ours have a sheep farm. This has quickly engendered a fascination with fiber in me, along with many a fun weekend doing things such as feeding llamas and sheep and dogs and cats and horse (did I miss anybody? Oh, yeah, the people :) )and helping with crutching and shearing and preparing for lambing, etc. I think I really fell in love during lambing season last year when Super Thin Man and I went up and saw some day old little lambkins - they are truly cute.

ANYWAY...so this evolved into taking a class from Ashley (the shepherdess) on how to hand spin fiber. It's very soothing and there are lots of different fun things to try and spin (Yes, I actually did try to spin the cotton wad you get in the top of a large bottle of ibuprofen. It is much easier to spin wool or llama or angora.)

Two of my sisters are knitters. This, I feel, may be enough knitters in one immediate family. Thus, I am learning to weave. I have procured a small triangle loom and am currently experimenting with my first gift project - a scarf for a friend who lives overseas.

Thus begins the cycle of my weaving and fiber fetish exploits in blog form.

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