Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Highly Amusing.

The other day someone told STM that he looks like Orlando Bloom.

Wicked awesome.

Apparently I've spent more time with my friend from New England than I realized recently, since 'wicked' has become my new favorite adjective.


Kate said...

I can safely, and thankfully, say that STM looks NOTHING like Orlando Bloom. Orlando Bloom is really, really boring-looking. He does, however, look quite a bit like David Tennant (

Vika said...

Except that he is not exactly a fan of David Tennant, especially since he played the creepy guy in HP.

Also, I don't see the David Tennant thing as much. STM's too respectable looking to pull off Jack Sparrow, or I would pull that card.

Kate said...

At least his coloring approaches Tennant. Also, given that Tennant is one of the most working British actors today, perhaps a cameo role in an HP movie shouldn't form one's entire impression of him? :)

Oh, ew. JACK SPARROW? We need to stop talking about this. I really like Johnny Depp, but COME ON.