Tuesday, July 3, 2007

In other News...

However, on the list of acceptable wedding gifts I must include this. And after the wedding I promise to post some pictures of us in our outfits, which will justify this even more.

Besides, who DOESN"T want an ancient drafty castle once slept in by Vlad Tepesch?

On a side note: does this story smack slightly of George-Washingtonism, or is it just me? Vladdy-boy slept there once? Do we have any proof? I mean, there's this rock overhang which is constantly being ground away by trucks going down a road near my parents house. The legend as to why the darn thing has never been removed is that once George Washington slept under it, this presumably having happened when the road was a dirt track and one could sleep at the side of it without fear of crazy Main Line people in SUVs. But that doesn't make the legend true.

I think it's a cheap selling point. I'd still take the castle.


Grendel said...

Does it come with peasants (and a few nobles; he was pretty egalatarian. . ) to impale?

Vika said...

dunno. considering the seller's last name is ACTUALLY Hapsburg, I'm thinking they might be able to rustle up a few hapless (ha, that was a pun, get it? :D) peasnats and disenfranchised noble cousins :D

Grendel said...


Although with that name (and family tree that runs to circles and straight lines. . .) they wouldn't need to be impaled. Paper cuts might do.

(Yes, a hemophilia joke/allusion. What do you call a leper in a bath tub? Stew. The Aristocrats! :) )