Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Murphy's Law, and How It Could Be Worse...

So. You have a wedding in three weeks. You are getting prepared, you have a lot of the details worked out, you're getting pretty excited, right?

Three weeks: it's good that there's that much of a window when you manage to sprain your ankle playing softball on your company team. It wasn't even an exciting play, I'd just gotten out, and turned to run back to the 'dugout' (um, we play on the National Mall. It's a field where they plunk down bases and a pitcher's 'mound' to make it a diamond), when my foot caught...or something...and turns the wrong way, and suddenly my ankle wouldn't take any weight. Which led to three hours in the emergency room. Over which time they poked it a little, took my vitals, took some x-rays (it's not broken, thank all that's holy), and gave me a splint, crutches, and an Rx for some STRONG Motrin and sent me on my way. I think I made out well there, too. Could have been an all-nighter, that could.

So, today is my coworker's last day before he leaves to get married and honeymooned (which is much better than just getting mooned, there's HONEY involved), and therefore I couldn't call out sick. I'm taking over for him while he's away. Yup--here's me at 8:45am catching a cab outside of the Rosslyn metro with my crutches to get the 0.2 miles up the hill to my office. Those of you who know the Wilson Boulevard Hill understand me. Those of you who have watched the Philly Bike Race at 'The Wall' understand me. Those who don't? Think 25* up-angle on a submarine. And now I'm stuck trying to juggle the crutches and my coffee cup (of tea, I'm weaning off coffee again, finally) because I forgot my big Nalgene and can't go with an empty cup.

The VERY good news: three weeks should be enough time--unless I do something stupid--to heal. The more difficult news: I'm stuck on crutches for at least three days and we have our engagement photoshoot a sheep farm. With rolling hills and such. Wow, that was stupid! Guess we'll be sticking near to the barn, where I can hobble ten feet. Because I really don't want my ankle to match my bridesmaids gorgeous purple dresses.


Grendel said...

although I've never been on a 25 degree up submarine either. . .

Should stick to nice safe sports like hockey. The skates are stiff and so it's very hard to twist an ankle.

Vika said...

Okay, okay, but you got the point :D

Hockey. Yeah. My primary insurance has SOME dental, but I wouldn't push it, personally.

I'll stick to yoga and swimming for the next few weeks until it's back into shape. Literally: there's a swelling the size of a golfball on the outside of my left ankle. I'm almost off the crutches, though!